Hidrogeno-verde.es highlights the importance of eGHOST
Hidrogeno-verde.es highlights the importance of eGHOST project.
The European Commission considers green hydrogen central to meeting its commitment to achieve a carbon-neutral and circular economy by 2050. To this end, Europe wants to accelerate the use of hydrogen-based technologies. These technologies will allow it to decarbonise economic sectors and store energy to meet demand when there is no renewable generation.
Spain has also recently proposed a roadmap aligned with the European strategy and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Its aim is to contribute to leading the promotion of hydrogen as the energy model of the future. In this line, the pioneering eGHOST project will define eco-design guidelines and criteria for two reference products: solid oxide electrolysers for hydrogen production; and proton exchange membrane fuel cells for hydrogen power generation. Read more.