The eGHOST project aims at establishing a first milestone in the eco-design criteria in the European hydrogen sector.

The final goal is to provide robust eco-design guidelines for FCH products at different levels of development. The development of guidelines for products at an emerging state will require the adaptation of life cycle thinking tools for considering the time of their future entry.
What kind of products are we analysing?
Specific guidelines will be issued for two different products:
→ A PEM Fuel Cell Stack (PEMFC stack)
→ A Solid Oxide Electrolyser (SOE)
Why both of them?
The products to be eco-designed in eGHOST were chosen according to:
→ Covering the production and use of hydrogen
→ supporting the design of already commercial, near to be commercialized or under development products
→ Setting up the first milestone for a preparatory study for eco-design regulations under the Eco-design Directive
→ Contributing to the positioning of FCH technologies in the EU taxonomy and CSR
The eGHOST Objectives

Development of FCH eco-design methodology
Developing life cycle thinking tools for the assessment of FCH products, defining the supply chain of two key FCH products and the main social impacts, calculating the current sustainability life-cycle profile of two key FCH products, generating product ideas for the whole life-cycle of the two key FCH products, creating product concepts and calculating the target sustainability life-cycle profile of the eco-designed product concepts.

Contribution to European Initiatives
Supporting the definition of technical screening criteria in other environmental aspects for the EU taxonomy, creating prospective, environmental and social aspects metrics to be integrated in the EU Taxonomy, giving support to Corporate Social Responsibility of the European hydrogen sector and setting the basis for future eco-design regulations according to Eco-design Directive.

Formulation of eco-design guidelines for FCH products
Formulating eco-design guidelines specific to each of the two key FCH products and general eco-design guidelines for FCH products.