Eghost, candidate for the “Award for the best innovation project in the renewable gas value chain”
Year after year, the Green Gas Mobility Summit has become consolidated as the essential event to promote more sustainable transport in the Iberian Peninsula, where biomethane, hydrogen and synthetic gas are the technologies that are already available to achieve climate objectives and improve air quality.
Green Gas Mobility Summit opens the doors to innovation projects related to the value chain of new renewable and synthetic fuels. An award open to projects from public administrations, institutions, research centres, universities, associations, companies and professionals can present their projects, public or private and national or international, that are related to mobility with renewable and synthetic gaseous fuels.
eGHOST project is a strong candidate for the “Award for the best innovation project in the renewable gas value chain” at the Green Gas Mobility Summit.
We encourage you to support us with your vote to achieve this award. You can vote here.